Social Media
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“To be honest, I didn’t initially plan on coming to the U because having grown up in Utah, I had this desire to move as far away as possible. Looking back, attending the University of Utah has been the best choice I could have made. I feel that I’ve had so many unique experiences and opportunities here, and met people that I wouldn’t have anywhere else. It feels kind of serendipitous.” #HumansOfTheU
Read more about senior and biology & health, society & policy major Nehal Bakshi at the LINK in our bio.
#UofU #UbelongLook who stopped by campus this week!
Thanks for the photos, @globaluofu! #UofU #Ubelong
Happy St. Patrick’s Day
May ye have the luck of the Irish for the rest of the semester
The theme for this year’s annual Pride Week, which begins tomorrow, is “Stitched in Solidarity.” The Center for Community and Cultural Engagement (@uofucce) and campus partners are hosting a variety of events for all members of the U community. Register for the events and learn more at the LINK in our bio.
#UofU #UbelongAs part of our 175th year, we’ll be taking a look back at our history over the last three centuries, beginning with our founding in 1850 to 1892, when we officially became the University of Utah. #UofU175
Can’t wait to have everyone back from Spring Break!
Big 12 Champs
Stellar performance, @utahgymnastics
It's Neurodiversity & Disability Awareness Week, a chance to gain insight into student experiences, practical strategies for better web accessibility, meeting new friends and learning how the U can get you accommodations. More info can be found at the LINK in our bio. #UofU #Ubelong
#FlashTheUFriday from the Carlsbad Caverns National Park! Thanks to @jada.abed, @crawfordlatkovic & @maddie__nay for reppin’ the U in on their @uofuoutdooradventures trip to southern New Mexico! #GoUtes #UofU #Ubelong
University faculty, staff, and students may submit University sponsored events to the calendar. University Marketing and Communications approves all events within 2 working days of submission prior to posting to the calendar. Read our Events Calendar Policies.